Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"We'll Have to Postpone Your Uncle's Breakdown for Hoops!"

It's just my luck that the opening weekend of the NCAA basketball tournament coincides with the weekend in which I am scheduled to do a DUCKTALES RETROSPECTIVE on "The Land of Trala [sic] La."  I've known for some time that doing a thorough job of detailing the similarities and differences between Carl Barks' original version of the story and the TV adaptation would be a tall order requiring a good deal of prep time.  Add to that the fact that I have three tests to make up this weekend, and you'll understand why I've decided to postpone the RETRO piece until the last weekend of March (at the earliest).




  2. I just seen the newest MLP episode "Leap of Faith". I had mix fillings about this one...

    On one hand - until the last two minutes - it's actually an exelent plot.

    The idea of AppleJack being forced to lie to help Grany Smith was a great idea and was some good character development on her part. I love to see the Fimlflam brothers agian... their my favorite villians on the show. Plus I think it's better for kids to teach them that some bad people yo meet can look sympathethic at first as well the dangers of swindlers and such.
    I wish they would just make a spin-of show about the Apple Family with Applejack foiling the Flimflam's each week.

    My main problem is however the message. I'm all for use of placebo drugs as they can sometimes turn out to work better then actual cure... but that's not the issue. I wouldn't have a prolbem with them showing an anti-placebo lesson if it was done right. What I have the problem with is that they didn't actually shown the negative efects of taking the tonic. If they would shown various Ponies getting hurt from doing impossible stunts It would be convincing message (for kids anyway) Here we get nothing out-side of Applejack's rant. Heck! The tonic confidance did work for Grany so well, maybe she COULD do the final stunt?

    That's just bad writing. It's like the writers where on Flim and Flams side until the last minute and I also think that the whole "Beleving is smoething is great but if it's not real you shoudn't belive in it" is confusing for the kids.

    AGIAN - This would be a perfect MLP episode but the last minute kindof undercut's it...

    P.S. The song wasn't terrible but it's no "Super Cider Speedy 6000"...

  3. I alsho did an article on the last MLP episode. You may check it out :
