Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stevenson 24, Albright 18

I really regret not having seen this game.  While I was recouping in the hospital on Saturday, the Mustangs improved to 2-0 with a scintillating home win over Albright.  This was at once a signature win over a power program in the Middle Atlantic Conference and sweet revenge for last season's most heartbreaking game, in which Stevenson lost in overtime following a long tying field goal as regulation time ran out. 

The game featured two goal-line stands by the Mustang defense, one of which resulted in what is certainly the most exciting play in SU's two-years-plus-two-games football history:

You KNOW that folks were overcome with excitement, because the ship's horn blew on Yom Kippur with a synagogue located adjacent to the campus.  I wonder whether the worshipers though that the shofar had been activated prematurely.

SU plays its first road game this week against a team that it has already beaten twice in two years, so 3-0 is a distinct possibility.  Real progress!

UPDATE (9/18/13):  Austin Tennessee's run appeared on both Sportscenter (as #6 in the "Top 10 Plays" countdown) and Keith Olbermann's new ESPN show.

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