Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stevenson 19, N.C. Wesleyan 9

On Friday night, Stevenson kicked off its third season of football with a first -- an opening game win.  The Mustangs rallied in the second half to knock off the Battling Bishops (actually, the guy in the logo looks a lot more like an evil Zorro to me) and now have a winning (1-0) record for the first time.  The most promising development in my view was a vastly improved defense that did surrender its share of yards but came up with numerous big plays.

I had hoped to show you some videos of the marching band, but some latecomers disrupted the filming of the opening fanfare, while Nicky accidentally stopped the vid of the halftime show in midstream.  We'll hope for better luck next Saturday when Stevenson hosts Albright.

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