Thursday, September 26, 2013

An Update and a PSA

On Tuesday, Nicky and I paid a visit to the neurosurgeon who operated on my subdural hematoma two weeks ago.  He officially cleared me to return to work as of October 1 (pending the reception of paperwork by Stevenson's HR office).  However, the exact nature of said "work," at least for the remainder of this semester, remains to be determined.  My classes and independent study student have been assigned to other faculty members for the balance of the Fall semester.  My chair and I are going to have to work out plans for me for the next several months.  Obviously, I'd prefer to get right back into the swing of teaching, but I understand the university's caution in this matter.  I'm generally feeling fine and am gradually getting my stamina back.




From occasional blog contributor "kenisu" comes the following message regarding a DuckTales initiative:

I've put together a petition to try and get Disney Records or Intrada to release the complete music score from DuckTales, and it's going to need all the signatures it can get. If there's any way you can promote this thing on your blog, I'd appreciate it immensely!

Here's the link:


  1. Awesome, thanks for helping me spread the word! And I'm glad to know you're on the mend :D

  2. Yes—get better fast, doggone it!

  3. Hi Chris,
    Rick and I are so sorry to hear of your ordeal and very glad that you are on the mend.


  4. Thanks, Judy & Rick! Hope you (and the doglets) are doing well as well.

