Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's No Longer a "Duck Blur"...

... it actually DOES look like an episode!  Well, episodes, actually.

A reader was kind enough to send along a link to some additional information about the remastered DuckTales video game, including a couple of videos showing game sequences.  Never having been a game-player, I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the details of the original, but you'd better believe that I was excited to hear the voices of many of the surviving voice actors in what will almost certainly be their last joint performance.  (That is, unless the Disney Movie Club decides to round them all up for extra features in a putative DuckTales: Volume 4 release.  Yeah, as if.)  For a nonagenarian, Alan Young sounds very good indeed.

Since DuckTales: Remastered will be available in a PC format, I just might break down and get this!


  1. HURRRAY!!!!!! I was very happy to see Magica and Burger at the end :D Hope to see many, many cameos in the game ;)

    This was funn to listen :

  2. Well, not *just* a reader. I'm also a writer and programmer on the game.

  3. Pan,

    Thanks for the additional link!


  4. The approach reminds me of Nintendo's "Paper Mario" where you have 3-D environments mixed with 2D characters - that's at a glance, but it looks fabulous.

  5. I bought this game in September and I tell you, it is a LOT of fun. Maybe I'm biased because it's DuckTales, but it's really the best and most addictive game I've ever played - and I'm not much of a gamer. I recommend this game to any DuckTales fan.
